Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A Petal Pink Bedroom

The last weekend was a long one since Thursday was Poya. So Sue and I decided to take the Friday off too and paint our bedroom. It was coming to a point where the room was so messy that there was just a pathway from the door to the beds and that’s it.….. if a stranger ventured in and fainted through sheer shock, the person would never be heard of again cos he/she would be buried under a deluge of possessions!

Anyway, we knew we’d need the four days (I exaggerate not).

§ One day to clear the room and mess up the rest of the house with our things,

§ Another day to actually get the room painted. We used our genius in this area and roped in Uncle George to help (well…. Ummm.. I mean to actually do the painting). There was no fear of losing him under anything now since the room was cleared.

§ Finally the last two days to put the stuff back.

At the start, things went better than expected. We cleared the room in record time and by 3.00 p.m. on day one Uncle George was on the ladder painting the ceiling a pure white. Then we hit the snag… ever since we shifted into this place, we’ve always wanted to paint our room a girly pink. The original colour many hundreds of years ago was blue and despite many tries with pinky sounding names they turned out to be white. The last try was Rose White – and yes of course, it was white!

This time we bravely bought Petal Pink. Yes, you probably guessed right! It was very nearly white too! Many long discussions were held whether to sally forth and buy a violent pink (with Uncle George grumbling vociferously about the wasting of time) and finally decided it would be too long a process and batted ….. I mean… painted on.

The room looked marvelous when it was done, especially after the floor was polished too! I almost felt sad to put the things back.

The next two days proved a lot of hard work putting all the things back (hopefully not where we found them).

Was it worth all the effort? Oh yessssss… a definite YES!!!

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