Monday, June 02, 2008

Uncle George does it again!

Well for the second time around Uncle George has done a Mr Bean.

On Saturday he goes into the bathroom to have his usual evening bath and comes out carrying a bucket holding his newly washed sarong and vest. As he passed me I got a lovely smell but didn’t think too much of it…. after all the man had just had a shower.

He went out onto the porch, spied the towel horse sitting there, and removed a dress that was on it, threw it onto the floor and proceeds to carefully lay out his sarong and vest.

Meanwhile Sunethra goes into the bathroom to have a wash and what does she see? An expensive new glycerin soap that we sparingly use only on our faces is down to tiny sliver. The idiot has used the entire cake of face soap to wash his blooming sarong… There was a cake of Palmolive soap available in the shower area if he absolutely had to use a bathing soap on his sarong, but no…. I guess he HAD to use the soft face soap left on the wash stand.

I could have killed him!!!

The earlier similar incident was when he insisted that he would clean an old bit of furniture for us.

After work when we got home, there sat the old chair… gleaming. Uncle George alias Mr Bean proudly showed it to us and after our glowing praise, asked us “what do you think made it gleam like that?’ Soap powder? Detergent? Dish-wash? We queried. No…. He says proudly “I used that big green bottle that is in the bathroom”. Oh NO!!!! That was the new bottle of shampoo I had got recently from abroad and he had used nearly half of it to clean that old chair!!!!!

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