Thursday, September 11, 2008


I was sitting in the bus last evening, placidly minding my own business, when I suddenly realized that someone was staring daggers at me. I was rather startled at the intensity of the stare and had a quick look at the guy doing so… he was a slim, dark, spiky haired, rather frightening looking individual, so I quickly looked away.

He walked towards me and my heart sank thinking that maybe he thought I had trod on his little toe, or murdered his dog or kidnapped his child or robbed his house and that he was going to enjoy killing me slowly… and then …………. he smiled! Yikes!! The man was hitting on me! If he expected me to smile back or even acknowledge him after scaring me half silly, he had another think coming didn’t he? Men!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mohanthanga said...

He needs to refine his technique...we start of by smiling and then make them scared. He's got the sequence all wrong - A man