We spent a long long time looking for Su’s watch. We practically turned over ecerything in the room. Finally it turned up in her dressing gown pocket!! We left the hotel at around 10.30 a.m. after the usual breakfast. We walked to the win towers, but the tickets were over. People thronged the building and its environs. We took a few pictures and then decided to visit the Communication Tower. We paid 15RM each for the visit and were escorted every step of the way until we reached the observation deck. A fantastic view lay spread at our feet. Panoramic! Guess it would have been better in the evening though if we could have managed to catch a sunset and then the Malaysia put out her night lights. There is a free shuttle bus from the foot of the hill that leads to the tower. Thank goodness for that. A trudge in the hot blistering sun would NOT have been welcome. The air conditioned coach with a courteous driver certainly was welcome.
From there we went to Jamed Majeek in Little India and shopped. We tried a dish called Nasi Goren Kampung at one of the large shopping malls in Little India just across Petaling Street. Walked back to our hotel, first stopping at Giants were I discovered they had the Arnotte’s mint chocolate biscuits. I love the stuff.
Oh and the most horrid thing happened at Giants Mall. There was this man who persistently followed us around. Every time we turned a corner there he was, eyes practically on stalks. We walked in and around the supermarket, and just couldn’t shake the fellow off. Finally I walked up to one of a coffee shop and asked to be directed to the Mall security personnel. Once the security guy was pointed out to me, I purposefully walked towards him…… I was certainly going to complain. I remembered our guide from one of the tours commenting on the harsh punishments for rape. I hoped that harassment of this sort would be discouraged too. I’m probably right. I didn’t have to actually complain to the security, just the sight of me walking up to the guy sent our stalker racing out of the Mall, all across the street ignoring the blaring of horns of the cars racing past. Phew!